
Custom breadcrumbs in Confluence plugin

5th part in Confluence plugin development series..
Often pages in plugin have hierarhical structure, so if you for example have 2 pages - Departments and Edit Department, it's preferred that your visotors may navigate fast within these pages. The goal may be achived with a help of top navigation bar, but unfortunatelly confluence only provides backlink to Dashboard:

But what you really prefer is:

The idea is to create your own breadcrumbs content tag.

  • create new file breadcrumbs.vm in your departments directory:
    <content tag="breadcrumbs">
    <ol id="breadcrumbs">
    <li><span>#dashboardlink ()</span></li>
    <li><span><a href="$req.contextPath/
    admin/departments/observe.action ">Departments</a>
    <li><span>Edit Department</span></li>
  • include this file in the end of your page:
  • More extended example may dynamically load action names and URLs. The following code uses i18n for action names in breadcrumbs:
  • breadcrumbs.vm looks like this:
    <content tag="breadcrumbs">
    <ol id="breadcrumbs">
    <li><span>#dashboardlink () </span></li>
    #set ($parentClass = $action.getParentClass())
    <li><span><a href="$req.contextPath/admin/
  • breadcrumbs tag uses action's static function to get parent:
    public class EditDepartment 
    extends ConfluenceActionSupport {
    public static Class<?> getParentClass() {
    return ViewDepartments.class;
  • After we know parent's class name it's easy to get it's label:

    Of course class names must be defined in i18n properties:
    Edit department

    There are lots of things you can do here, make universal code for any page in your plugin, multi level navigations etc!


    Ajax form validation in Confluence plugin using a JSON request

    4th part in Confluence plugin development series..
    Today I describe how to make Ajax requests to XWork actions inside a Confluence plugin. A good example is server-side form validation. User fills a form, clicks Submit, then we validate the form in background and if there are no errors we allow submitting the form, otherwise show field errors.

    Suppose we have a simple user info form with input fields like name, department, email etc:
    <form id="saveform" action="doUpdate.action" method="post">
    #tag( TextField "name='user.name'" "size='50'" )
    #tag( Select "name='user.department'"
    "listKey=name" "listValue=name"
    "emptyOption='true'" )
    #tag( TextField "name='user.email'" "size='50'" )
    #tag( Submit "id=userformsubmit"
    "name='save'" "value='dot.button.save'" )
    #tag( Submit "name='cancel'" "value='dot.button.cancel'" )
    One way to make form validation is to write it in javascript, but what if you already have it implemented in action? Write everything again? Maybe it's better to use existing server side code so you can switch on/off Ajax at any time and you'll not have the same logic implemented twice.
    Here are the required steps:
    1. edit atlassian-plugin.xml and create a package for you application with validation enabled, declare an action doUpdate for submitting a form and editValidate for Ajax validation
    2. <package name="userinfo" extends="default" 
      <default-interceptor-ref name="validatingStack"/>
      <action name="doUpdate"
      <external-ref name="dotUsersDao">
      <external-ref name="dotDepartmentsDao">
      <external-ref name="dotCitiesDao">
      <result name="input" type="velocity">
      <result name="success" type="redirect">
      <result name="cancel" type="redirect">
      <action name="editValidate"
      <result name="input" type="json" />
      <result name="success" type="json" />
      I turn on validatingStack for the whole package so I could use WebWork validation everywhere I need it. Don't forget to turn off validation for actions where you don't need it, use defaultStack for that
      <interceptor-ref name="defaultStack"/>
      Action editValidate will be called in Ajax from javascript. In my experience, both input and success return types are required. input is returned in case of any field errors, success when everything is ok. Actually there is no need to return success to javascript, but instead I could save the form and redirect to another form. I'll try this in next post.

    3. create EditUserInfo action and implement JSONAction interface
    4. public class EditUserInfo 
      extends ConfluenceActionSupport
      implements JSONAction {
      public String getJSONString() {
      try {
      if (hasFieldErrors()) {
      StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
      Map fieldErrors = getFieldErrors();
      for (Object field : fieldErrors.keySet()) {
      List<Object> msg =
      (List<Object>) fieldErrors.get(field);
      if (field != null && msg != null
      && msg.get(0) != null) {
      if (sb.length() > 1) {
      return sb.toString();
      } catch (Exception e) {
      // handle exception
      return "";
      By the time getJSONString() method is called validation was already done by WebWork so we can immediatelly process the errors. Here I generate a Javascript array of all field errors which I want to show next to input fieds.

    5. write EditUserInfo-validation.xml file in the same package as java class. My validation file looks something like this
    6. <!DOCTYPE validators PUBLIC 
      "-//OpenSymphony Group//XWork Validator 1.0.2//EN"
      <field name="user.name">
      <field-validator type="requiredstring">
      <message key="dot.field.error.required" />
      <field name="user.department">
      <field-validator type="requiredstring">
      <message key="dot.field.error.required" />
      <field name="user.email">
      <field-validator type="requiredstring">
      <message key="dot.field.error.required" />
      <field-validator type="email">
      <message key="dot.field.error.email" />
    Main stuff is done, last thing we need is to call validation from Javascript and show error messages.
    1. attach click event to submit button
    2. $("#userformsubmit").click(function(e) {
      try {
      var form = $("#saveform");
      } catch (e) { alert(e); }
      return false; // always!
    3. my validateForm looks like this
    4. function validateForm(form) {
      $.ajax({url: "editValidate.action",
      data: form.serialize(),
      success: function(data) { try {
      var fields = $("#saveform span.fielderror");
      // delete old errors,
      // error spans are found by class name
      // set received errors, iterate through span IDs
      data = eval(data);
      if (data && data.length > 0) {
      for (i in data) {
      var id = data[i].field.replace(/\./, "\\.")+
      var fe = $("#"+id);
      if (fe) { fe.html(data[i].error); }
      return false;
      return true;
      } catch (e) { alert(e); } }
      return false;
      here for every input control I have span with id ending with '-error' and class 'fielderror'. I still haven't tried to write macros so I implemented a separate file fielderror.vm
      <span id="$!webwork.htmlEncode($f)-error" 
      #set( $err = $fieldErrors.get($f) )
      #if( $err.size() > 0 )
      which I include in main page next to input fields. Example for user name field:
      #set( $f = "user.name" )
      #parse( "/templates/dot/userinfo/fielderror.vm" )
      not so nice solution but I can live with that for now.

    Next week I'll try to optimize the code. In current implementation I believe validation is called twice: 1st time in ajax, and 2nd time when form is submitted (this we can escape), for field errors I need macro..


    Ajax in Confluence plugin using a servlet

    3rd part in Confluence plugin development series..
    While working with Confluence I found 2 ways to make Ajax requests:
    1. make requests to servlets
    2. make JSON requests to XWork actions
    Today I'll describe the 1st way using a servlet. In my application I had 2 comboboxes: one for select of a city and other for a department. A list of departments is different for every city so when client selects a city, a list of departments needs to be reloaded.
    The implementation is very simple and requires only to properly configure the servlet:
    1. edit your atlassian-plugin.xml file and add a servlet definition, see Developer documentation for further info
    2. <servlet name="Ajax List Servlet"
      <description>Ajax List Servlet</description>
    3. implement AjaxListServlet class, I prefer to generate HTML code directly, but you can generate JSON array as well
    4. public class AjaxListServlet extends HttpServlet {
      private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

      protected void service(HttpServletRequest req,
      HttpServletResponse resp)
      throws ServletException, IOException {

      String list = req.getParameter("list");

      if ("dep".equalsIgnoreCase(list)) {
      String cityName = req.getParameter("city");

      // generate departments list HTML
      StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
      sb.append("<option value='' selected></option>");
      try {
      for (DepartmentInfo dep : getDepartmentsDao().
      getByCityName(cityName)) {
      } catch (Exception e) {
      // handle exception

      private DepartmentsDao getDepartmentsDao() {
      return DaoFactory.getDepartmentsDao();
    5. put comboboxes for city and department in .vm page
    6. #tag( Select "id=city" "name='user.city'" 
      "listKey=name" "listValue=name"
      "emptyOption='true'" "theme='notable'" )
      #tag( Select "id=department" "name='user.department'"
      "listKey=name" "listValue=name"
      "emptyOption='true'" "theme='notable'" )
    7. and, finally, attach javascript to city combobox. here is a JQuery code
    8. jQuery(function($) {
      $("document").ready(function () {

      $("#city").change(function() {
      var cityName = $("#city option:selected").val();
      {list: "dep", city: cityName}, function(data) {

      don't forget to include JQuery in your .vm page header


    Pagination in Confluence plugin

    2nd part in Confluence plugin development series..
    Confluence provides items pagination out of the box but I couldn't find any reference in developer documentation. Standard page navigation bar looks like this:

    Here are the easy steps to implement it for your own list of items:
    1. extend your action class from AbstractEntityPaginationAction
    2. public class ViewUsers 
      extends AbstractEntityPaginationAction {
      AbstractEntityPaginationAction provides
      protected bucket.core.actions.PaginationSupport paginationSupport;
      which you can use in your action:
      public String execute() throws Exception {
      List users = ... // load users here
      return SUCCESS;
    3. insert pagination macro in viewusers.vm page
    4. #pagination($action.paginationSupport "page.action?")
      where page.action is the action name which will be called when you select a page. Pagination macro then adds a parameter startIndex, that's why you need a question mark (?) at the end

    5. implement page.action
    6. public String page() throws Exception {
      HttpServletRequest req =
      int startIndex =
      List users = ... // load users
      return SUCCESS;
    7. view current items in page
    8. #foreach( $user in 
      PaginationSupport allows to control page size (number of items per page) so you may provide a selector in web page for page size and save it in user session.
      That's it!


    Database Persistence in Confluence plugin

    Last month I was busy with a Atlassian Confluence plugin for a local company. Next few blogs I'll devote to some problems I found in my way.
    The plugin was about browsing existing Crowd users, create new users, attach pictures to users, make directory of cities (company is distributed to several cities), departments etc., similar to Userinfo example.

    Developer documentation is quite useful while not complete... First thing I needed was to persist my dictionaries to database. After some discovering I've learned that Atlassian doesn't recommend using Hibernate (I couldn't attach mappings anyway) but provides Bandana instead (XML persistence based on XStream). It isn't going for me because I need to select, search, make relations between tables etc.. Make it all with Java classes?
    Fortunatelly it is still possible to use pure SQL quieries. So these are the steps for using database in Confluence:
    1. declare DAO bean in atlassian-plugin.xml
    2. <spring name="citiesDao" key="citiesDao" 
      <property name="sessionFactory">
      <ref bean="sessionFactory"/>

      where sessionFactory is Hibernate's session factory provided by Confluence;
    3. implement DAO class and derive it from HibernateObjectDao (provided by Atlassian)
    4. public class HibernateCitiesDao 
      extends HibernateObjectDao {
      public Collection getAll() {
      List result = new ArrayList();
      Session session = null;
      try {
      session = getSessionFactory().openSession();
      ResultSet rs = session.connection().
      prepareStatement("select * from city").executeQuery();
      while (rs.next()) {
      CityInfo o = new CityInfo();
      fill(rs, o);
      } finally {
      if (session != null) {
      return result;
    5. connect DAO to an action in atlassian-plugin.xml:
    6. <action name="viewcities"
      <external-ref name="citiesDao">citiesDao</external-ref>
      <result name="success" type="velocity">
      Class ViewCities must have a setter (and getter if you want to use it directly in page) methods for citiesDao:
      public void setCitiesDao(CitiesDao citiesDao) {
      this.citiesDao = citiesDao;
      public CitiesDao getCitiesDao() {
      return citiesDao;
    7. use cities on the page viewcities.vm:
    8. #set($cities = $action.citiesDao.all)
      #foreach( $item in $cities.iterator())

    Bilingual reading. Learning languages

    my first blog is about learning foreign languages. As you may already have guessed English is not my native language, but I decided to write in English just in order to have another language practice :)

    At school I studied German. You may consider me stupid, but after 6 years of study I could hardly read some simple texts and couldn't speak German at all.
    I prefer to blame my teacher for that while she couldn’t speak herself, I even believe she'd never been in Germany. All we did at lessons is just that we read some stupid dialogs which always made me boring.
    After graduating from school I started to believe that foreign languages are something too hard for me. But while I learned computer science I had to read lots of documentation in English for which there was no translation.

    When I began to study English for myself (about 10 years ago) I found out that adaptive reading gives best and fastest result. Already after 6 months I could easily read any documentation and some classics.

    I'm not sure about the term so let me call it 'bilingual reading' or 'adaptive reading'. It means you can start reading any foreign book after you've got some basic grammar knowledge.

    When I came to this idea for the first time I was deeply impressed!

    The idea is that you have same text in two languages. At first you read an article in your native language, then same article in foreign language. Don't care about all unknown words, idioms or slang. Just read the text and don't stop.
    After some time you begin to understand that you've learned lots of words and it cost you nothing.
    Then you can try to read an article in foregn language first and understand what's there, then read a translation to be sure.
    Still you don't learn words or grammar, they just come to you by and by.

    Soon after you'll not need a translation any more, just occasionally look up a word or a phrase.

    I found several web sites (mostly in russian) wholly devoted to bilingual reading, which provide some dozens of selected books in Microsoft Word format. I can imagine how much effort it took to produce these books!

    For me it was not a solution, so I decided to make my own automated service :)

    I wanted a solution which would generate bilingual documents automatically out of several translations. So I made a small website written in PHP. Almost 2 years I used it at home on my PC and I enjoyed reading my favorite books. About a year ago I finally decided to publish it on the internet so I could read from mobile phone while out from home for business..

    So let me introduce http://www.weblitera.com/. Unfortunatelly international copyright law forbids to publish modern authors (living after 1950) so this website became a collection of classical literature :)

    It's better than nothing and anyway there are lots of masterpieces among classics which I haven't read before (I bet you too).

    Here is how bilingual reading looks like:
    In this picture one column has english text and other is in spanish. If a book has several translations (lots of books have 4+ translations) it may be read in any pair of available languages.

    With help of Google Translator you can translate any word or sentence by hovering with a mouse pointer. Recently Google introduced Dictionary but it has no public API (yet?). I would use it when it becomes available..

    ImTranslator service provides TTS (Text to Speech). Select any text and click an ImTranslator image:

    Everyone interested is welcome to visit it, maybe somebody will find it helpful :)
    Oh yes, currently there are about 200 original works in 7 languages (english, german, french, spanish, italian, russian and chinese), totally more that 500 translations. More coming...

    Let me know if you have some great ideas how to extend this website further..